Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Difficult Clients

There are times when clients become unbearable because they have been waiting so long for their court documents. They get impatient, rude and call numerous times a day. I understand the need to know what the status is or why things are going so slow. Here are a few tips when dealing with difficult clients:

1. Be patient at all times
2. Do not take it personally
3. Explain the process
4. Reassure them that you have completed certain steps in the process

It is not always easy to get a word in when a client is upset. You just have to do the best you can with the situation.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Telephone Skills

It is very important that you handle yourself as a professional when you answer a phone at your place of employment. Here are a few tips:

  1. Always smile when you answer the phone. The person on the other side will be able to tell.
  2. Ask before you put someone on hold.
  3. Include the company name and your name when you answer the phone.

I have discovered that a lot of people do not have proper telephone skills. This makes your company and yourself look bad. You always want to be professional and courteous at all times. The clients and your boss will appreciate it.